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Generating New Niche Ideas – Method #1 Analysing the Object’s Around You

This method simply involves looking around your immediate environment. It
could be looking around your house, your garden, your local park, local shops
or whenever you are out at a new place.
For example, if I were to look around the room I’m currently in, I estimate
that I could generate at least 5 new niche ideas.
I see my glass which I just used for my milkshake; why not write a product
with a number of milkshake recipes?
I see my internet modem; why not write a product about safety on the
I see a few clothes which have been thrown on the floor; why not write a
product with fashion tips?
I see my credit card; why not write an info product about clearing your
I see a few antiques in the corner; why not write a product about buying
and selling antiques for profit.
There we go, 2 minutes of looking around one room and I’ve generated 5
new niche ideas, I’m sure I could generate a lot more with a bit more time.
Once you find a new niche idea, write it down in your notebook and then
continue looking.
It doesn’t matter how useless you think the idea will be; write it down! It may
well prove to be the most profitable of all your niche ideas.
Repeat the process through the rest of your house, and then move onto your
This method does not have to be limited to your house however. You can
repeat the same process in your local park, local shops or wherever you are.
Every place is different and every place will give you one or more niche ideas.

Posted by Charlie Dee on 1:57 AM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

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